Cillian O'Tuathail, a once-champion Air-Bike racer and troubled captain, struggles with the emotional weight of his father's mysterious disappearance and a traumatic mission involving his rival, Captain Ronan Conroy. His loyal crewmates, including his sister Fiadh, the caring Aislinn, and the gruff Toal, try to support him as he battles sleepless nights and haunting memories. As Cillian reflects on his family legacy and the fate of his father’s ship, Ádh, tensions rise with unresolved guilt and trauma. The excerpt delves into Cillian's internal struggles while subtly revealing the deep bonds he shares with his crew.
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Book One - Chapter One: ii
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Cillian O'Tuathail, a once-champion Air-Bike racer and troubled captain, struggles with the emotional weight of his father's mysterious disappearance and a traumatic mission involving his rival, Captain Ronan Conroy. His loyal crewmates, including his sister Fiadh, the caring Aislinn, and the gruff Toal, try to support him as he battles sleepless nights and haunting memories. As Cillian reflects on his family legacy and the fate of his father’s ship, Ádh, tensions rise with unresolved guilt and trauma. The excerpt delves into Cillian's internal struggles while subtly revealing the deep bonds he shares with his crew.